Overcoming Depression and Anxiety: Finding Light, Peace & Joy
Overcoming Depression and Anxiety through principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a Mormon perspective
I am solely responsible for the content of this blog. It is my personal opinion from my personal experience in overcoming depression and anxiety and should not be construed as official doctrine, position, or opinion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Further, the contents of this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, or replace the need individuals may have for professional counseling or medication in the treatment of depression. Each individual should seek out and apply all safe and proven treatments for depression and anxiety.
This is a “what-I-have-learned” kind of project. I make no claims at having a special understanding of depression or anxiety, other than having experienced it myself for a number of years, being greatly debilitated by them for some of those years. I make no claim at understanding the way out for anyone but myself. I focus most on the spiritual aspects of the healing process, not because I believe that it is solely a spiritual problem, but from the belief that spiritual healing is an integral part of the overall healing and coping process. Elder Richard G. Scott has said, “No matter what the source of difficulty and no matter how you begin to obtain relief, …the solution will never provide a complete answer. The final healing comes through faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings, with a broken heart and contrite spirit and obedience to His commandments.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, "To Be Healed", General Conference, April 1994) I do believe there is a way out of the debilitating effects of hopelessness and fear. I share these thoughts with a humble desire that they might help someone else towards the light that brought me hope and happiness.